Just wait till you see the pictures from this party....
It is that time of year, we are designing logos for all our summer weddings!
We have some extremely creative brides and grooms this year and are totally inspired by some of the themes they are giving us.
I will continue to upload samples to get you thinking about how to create the best logo for the bottom of your photobooth picture!
Here is a little something PINK! Any of the sample logos that I show you can be easily adapted to your wedding...be inspired and give your guests the best favor ever!
Here is a logo we made today that the bride said I could share for inspiration.
It is perfect for the "damask" and the "tiffany blue" weddings.
If you love it, we can easily customize one similar for your logo!
Last weekend we had the pleasure of running a photo booth for the wedding of Lauren Smith, you may recognize her from her role as Riley Adams on CSI. Orchestrated by Dreamgroup this wedding was gorgeous and refreshingly down to earth. The wedding was featured all this week on ET Canada. If you missed the show, check out some of the pictures by amazing photographer Angela Hubbard here! All the flowers and decor was exicuted by the great team at Half Yard Designs. It really was an amazing evening!